Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Open Letter

You ring me up and imply that I'm not doing my job. Let me tell you, I'm so tired of your whims and fancies and your little voice raising. Look here, shorty, I'm only obligated to perform my duties and I have been given work that I'm not even accountable for but silently I endure because I still fancy my job. But you incorrigible people! You waltz in and bypass me and disregard me for the position that I am and you expect me to pick up where you left because you're too high and mighty to continue? I am not interested in dumping the garbage and try to do my job when all you do is point out where you would like the garbage to be and decide on your fancy little whim when piles of garbage start accumulating. If you decide not to involve me in when you want to dump that repulsive lot or where you want to dump it, then do not expect me to arrange for the garbage truck.

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