Saturday, June 20, 2009

Philosophical Emotions

it's one of those turn back and thank your stars time... where you appreciate everything that you have and give everybody you love a silent hug of grateful acknowledgment. 

i am thankful that i have wonderful wholesome parents who even though have been strict with me, have never let me known hurt or pain. i am thankful that i have 2 sisters who scream and shout and turn the house upside down and mess up my things even though i hate it. i am thankful for the noise i never appreciated. i am thankful for my dad loving my mum and my mum loving my dad so dearly even after years of marriage and perpetual irritation. 

i am thankful for my friends who have surrounded me all these years, even though i do not have many. i am thankful for the friends who watched me cry when i am down and never thought any lesser of me. i am thankful for the friends who listen to my incessant grumbling and had my back all the time.

the other day, i told sally, when it was my time to go, and i had all these friends by my side, i would know that i have lived my life well. i mean it all. 


Saraquin said...

go tell your dad happy papa's day tomorrow!

strangedillies said...

i did! i bought him crabs!