Monday, February 9, 2009


I read an email from a friend listing the things you would want in a man at different stages in life, starting from various ideals in an original list and making your way through till when you're aged 82. Unsurprisingly, the ideals in each list dropped drastically throughout the various phases, which just got me wondering... do we lower our expectations of what we want in our partner over the years because we ourselves are slowly ticking off the ideals that we ourselves would no longer meet as well; because subconciously, we know that we are no longer good enough to command such high expectations?

Or do we lower our expectations because we get more world wise and start to acknowledge that our partner will probably not be able to meet such high expectations so we lower the bar and except that they can only be just like that?

add: a friend commented that we should be glad that we see our expectations decrease as we grow older because that will mean having grown old with him and except that he need not impress anymore. Perhaps this is a less cynical view than mine.

I wish my world were still pretty and occupied by pretty little flowers.

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